National Yacht Club - Dinghy 416-260-8686-232

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Opti Race Team - Intermediate

Pre-requisite CANSail 2 or CANSail 3 level.

Recommended for youth aged 7-15. Maximum age 15 years old. Recommended weight 70-110 lbs.

For larger/older sailors we suggest you consider the CANSail 3&4 program.

Please Note: This program includes attendance at local/regional regattas. Regattas are typically on weekdays, but may also occur on weekends. Regatta registration, accommodation and related travel costs are NOT included in course fees. An additional Regatta Fee is required to cover all instructor expenses at regattas. Regattas are often hosted off-site at other yacht clubs and parents are required to help carpool, tow trailers and chaperone participants. The regatta schedule for 2024 is tentative - please inquire for additional details.


Sessions will take place on Wednesdays (4:30-8:30 PM) and Sundays (12-4 PM) within the selected dates. Tentative schedule.

0 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before September 02, 2017
420 Race Team - Advanced

WAITLISTED PARTICIPANTS PENDING PROCESSING - sailors in this program sail on two-person boats, which require an even number of registrants. Parents are encouraged to consider signing their child up with a sailing partner in mind. Please reach out to Amelia at 416-260-8686 ext 232 with any questions. Maximum for each session is 10 sailors.

Pre-requisite CANSail 4 or CANSail 5 level.

Recommended for youth aged 14-18. Maximum age 18 years old. Recommended weight 100-160 lbs.

For smaller/younger sailors we suggest you consider the Opti Race program.

Please Note: This program includes attendance at local/regional regattas. Regattas may occur on weekdays or weekends - any weekend regattas are followed by a "Rest Day" on Monday with no programming. Regatta registration, accommodation and related travel costs are NOT included in course fees. An additional Regatta Fee is required to cover all instructor expenses at regattas. Regattas are often hosted off-site at other yacht clubs and parents are required to help carpool, tow trailers and chaperone participants. The regatta schedule for 2024 is tentative - please inquire for additional details.


Sessions will take place on Wednesdays (4:30-8:30 PM) and Sundays (12-4 PM) within the selected dates. Tentative schedule.

0 left  (waitlist available)
must be born on or before September 02, 2017

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